Great Day’s Spiced Ginger
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: February 2020
Coat: loose Fleece
Color: Caramel
Size: Medium, 40 lbs
Registrations: CKC –GLN05400044, ALAA/WALA register-able
Health Stats: IC clear, EIC clear, all other cleared by parentage. Pennhip above average, CERF clear, Hasting structural evaluation 17.5
See Ginger’s pups here.
Great Day Mycroft
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: September 20, 2018
Coat: Fleece
Color: Chocolate Phantom, Ee, bb, KyKy, AtAt,
Size: Mini, 22 lbs
Registrations: CKC-GLN05162113
Health Stats: Pennhip above average, PRA clear by parentage, IC clear, CERF normal, EIC carrier, Hasting structural evaluation 17.
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: November 2017
Coat: loose Fleece
Color: Caramel
Size: small Medium (30 lbs) 21”
Registrations: CKC –GLN05077265
Health Stats: Cerf clear, Pennhipp good, OFA Hips good, Elbows clear, IC clear, Pawprint genetic panel cleared by parentage
Blessed Day Sam I Am
Type: Labradoodle
DOB: February 2020
Coat: Fleece
Color: Black, carries phantom. BB, SS, KbKy, AtAt
Size: Miniature, 23 lbs
Registrations: CKC FSM05392478, ALAA / WALA registerable
Health Stats: Pennhip excellent, Pawprint panel & PRA clear by parentage, IC clear, CERF normal.
Great Day Cocoa Bean
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: May 2017
Coat: Fleece
Color: Chocolate
Size: Medium (30 lbs)
Registrations: CKC -GLN05077182
Health Stats: PennHip Good, OFA elbows negative, PRA clear by parentage, CERFs normal, EIC clear, carries IC
See Cocoa’s pups here.
Great Day Copper Penny
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: September 2018
Coat: loose Fleece
Color: Chocolate merle, sable phantom (aw/at)
Size: Mini, 20 lbs
Registrations: CKC –GLN05162117
Health Stats: IC clear, EIC clear, CERF normal, PennHip above average
See Penny’s previous pups here.
Great Day Pocket Puppy
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: September 2018
Coat: loose Fleece
Color: Chocolate merle phantom
Size: Mini (26 lbs)
Registrations: CKC –GLN05162119
Health Stats: IC clear, EIC clear, Pennhip good, CERF normal
See Pocket’s previous pups here.
Great Day From Dusk til Dawn
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: September 2018
Coat: loose Fleece
Color: Caramel Merle
Size: Medium (35 lbs), 20”
Registrations: CKC –GLN05162115
Health Stats: IC clear, CERF normal, OFA hips good, Elbows clear, Pennhip good (.32)
Great Day to Harley
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: January 2021
Coat: loose Fleece
Color: Chocolate merle phantom
Size: Medium
Registrations: CKC GLN0534129
Health Stats: CERF clear, Hasting structural evaluation 17.5, OFA Elbows clear, Hips Fair, Pennhip above average
IC clear, genetic panel clear by parentage
Ladd Hills Hero of the Day
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: February 15, 2018
Sire: Pacific Rim's Superfudge
Dam: Ladd Hill's Merlot
Coat: Fleece
Color: Caramel Cream
Size: Medium, 35 lbs
Registrations: CKC-GLN05159146, ALAA registered
Health Stats: OFA Hips good, elbows negative, PRA clear by parentage, IC clear, EIC carrier, Hasting structural evaluation 17.5
Great Day’s Never End
Type: Multi-gen Australian Labradoodle
DOB: October 16, 2019
Coat: Fleece
Color: Caramel Red, ee, Mm, SS, bb, KbKb
Size: Medium, 35 lbs
Registrations: CKC GLN05233991
Health Stats: Pennhip above average, PRA clear by parentage, IC clear, EIC clear, CERF normal.